For consulting companies in the field of sustainability.
As an esg2go professional, you will receive new requests.
esg2go is an open rating and reporting tool. For you as a professional, this means You can advise our customers and thus get free access to contacts who want or need to document their sustainability performance.
We do not want any conflicts of interest. This is why we maintain the platform and produce all ratings and reports, but do not advise our clients ourselves. This is where you come in: As a partner company, you can take on this work.
Your tasks
They help our clients (mainly Swiss SMEs) with the content of their ESG data.
They offer technical assistance with input.
They explain the results: how good the scores are and how your customers can improve their ratings.
If our customers choose the Professional version, they receive 1.75 hours of consultation with a professional of their choice. We will pay you CHF 200 (excl. VAT) for this.
Your advantages
There are no costs and you will be added to our professional list after a short onboarding process.
All cooperation after the initial meeting takes place directly between you and the customer. You do not need to inform us about this and you certainly do not need to pay any commission.
More and more Swiss companies are obliged to disclose their sustainability. As a partner of the most SME-friendly rating and reporting solution, you benefit from our growth.
You will receive a discount code (10 %) which you can pass on to your customers.
You may advertise with the esg2go professional logo and will be listed on our Pro page and in the order tool.
You have access to the LinkedIn group “esg2go professionals and partners” and can exchange professional information there.
How do you become a professional?
This is relatively easy if you are professionally qualified. It only takes five steps to get started:
Write to us at to let us know that you are interested in becoming an esg2go Professional.
We get to know each other in a one-hour call. You can ask questions.
You will receive a test task including a free test account and your professional contract. Solving the task takes around an hour. It serves to ensure that we only work with competent professionals. Please let us know as soon as you have completed the task.
We discuss the tasks, you correct the entry if necessary.
You and we sign the contract.
You will then receive a 10% discount code from us, which you can pass on to your customers. The esg2go-Professional logo for use in your media. We will list you on the Pro page and in the order tool . Last but not least, we invite you to join the LinkedIn group “esg2go professionals and partners”
Would you like to know or find out more?
If you would like to get an insight into our future work, you can download documents here.
The following two videos will also give you an insight:
How to choose and order the right license?
(9 minutes)
How to enter esg2go data and generate reports?
(20 minutes)
This is how you work with us:
The easiest way is to send us a short e-mail to or call Luzi Rageth on +41 44 687 72 83.