Sustainability that spreads.

Our commitment has met with a great response – many renowned media and well-known companies have already mentioned us. You can find all the reports about us here:

Reports from our partners

CS | esg2go Rating & Reporting Standard für KMU.
Offen, systematisch, effektiv

ecomove Initiative by swiss export |
esg2go sustainability check
swiss ecomove: Working together for a sustainable future in Switzerland

Global Compact Network | esg2go: Making sustainability practicable and tangible for SMEs

Hotellerie Suisse | The “esg2go” reporting tool enters its second pilot phase

Lucerne Business |Sustainable economy in Lucerne

öbu |
2023-11-29 | ClimatePartner x esg2go – More collaboration for more effective sustainability management
2023-05-16 | Sustainability “on the go” – How esg2go is changing sustainability reporting for SMEs
2021-12-06 | New ESG rating platform for SMEs: Test now!

Renaissance Investment Foundation | Sustainability and SMEs: A pragmatic approach of the Renaissance Investment Foundation (in German)

saq – Swiss Association for Quality | Evaluating the sustainability of a company (in German)

SQS | esg2go – the simple tool for automated sustainability reports (in German)

Sustainable Switzerland | Sustainability ratings for SMEs (in German)

Swiss Cleantech |
swisscleantech covers the license costs for members for the first year
Zurich Chamber of Commerce: Partnership with swisscleantech – Together for a sustainable future
esg2go: A sustainability rating & reporting tool for SMEs – 14th Business Lunch of the Zurich Business Climate Platform

Swiss Climate Action Initiative | SME Guidance – Paris climate targets for SMEs: A guide on the road to net zero (in German)

Swiss Sustainable Finance | Sustainability in credit financing (in German) (PDF)

UBS key4business Marketplace |
esg2go Sustainability on the go!
Analyzing sustainability – esg2go – the sustainability rating for your company

Zurich Insurance |
Zurich SME Magazine No. 7 from August 26, 2022PDF Download
Thanks to Zurich, SMEs get a sustainability rating faster

CAS Provider

University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland | CAS Success Factor Sustainability

HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Sustainability Management – Future-oriented corporate management for sustainable development

Fribourg School of Business | CAS ESG and Sustainable Leadership

From research and science

esg2go: A Method to Reduce Bias, Improve Coherence, and Increase Practicality of ESG Rating and Reporting – by Isa Cakir, Philipp Aerni, Manfred Max Bergmann and Benjamin Cakir.

Annual Report Sustainability 2023 – Kaleidos University of Applied Sciences – by Dr. Maria Comos-Birmanns – p. 18ff.