Here you will find frequently asked questions about esg2go. Do you have any questions? Send them to esg2go@esg2go.com and we will be happy to answer them.

What does ESG mean?

Environmental, Social, Governance. So environment, social issues, corporate governance. These are the three core aspects according to which companies, institutions and authorities are assessed in terms of their sustainability performance.

The term first appeared in 2004 and has established itself as a core criterion for measuring sustainability in recent years. There are countless ESG investment products, ESG analyses and even efforts in the EU to financially support companies that are sustainable.

Why do we need ESG sustainability certificates?

The state and corporations are increasingly demanding ESG ratings or reports in tenders. So by identifying yourself, you are prepared. In addition, more and more legal requirements are being imposed that SMEs must directly or indirectly declare their sustainability for their suppliers.

What makes esg2go stand out?

Although there is a wide range of ratings and certificates on offer, the focus is mostly on large companies.

esg2go offers a clear rating and diverse reporting, but keeps the processes lean and automated. That’s why our offer is focused on SMEs.

How time-consuming is an esg2go rating?

Our lawyer would say: It depends. We, on the other hand, think so: Less than a day in most cases. But of course our lawyer is not entirely wrong, because depending on how familiar you are with the subject and how efficiently you collate various data or how well sorted your filing system is, it will take shorter or longer. Your situation also plays a role. Are there several locations and independent subsidiaries?

If you are new, it is best to book the Professional version in the first year, so you benefit from 1.75 hours of advice from one of our professionals of your choice.

What should I do if I cannot access the data to be collected?

The data to be collected for esg2go should actually be easy to determine. (bookkeeping, invoices). If this is not possible, we recommend a “well-founded assumption”. In other words, you have to make an assumption that you could justify if asked. For example, in the case of “E5 Water consumption in m3”. You should be able to see this value in the utility bill if you rent or in the water bill if you own your own building. If this is not possible, you can multiply the number of employees by 289 with reference to https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/raum-umwelt/umweltindikatoren/alle-indikatoren/nutzung-natuerliche-ressourcen/trinkwassereffizienz.html and assume that a third of this is consumed at the workplace. However, this can only apply to the rating at “scored” level. Verified ratings (levels “checked” and “verified”) always require verifiable figures and evidence.

What is the difference between an ESG rating and reporting?

Description pending.

How do I get from my rating to a certificate?

esg2go calculates a rating from your details. You – or your customers or other stakeholders – decide whether you need an additional certificate afterwards.

Your rating is based on the company details and the sector-specific benchmarks. For a detailed description of the calculation click here or here.

The esg2go rating is made up of the scores in the three areas of Environment, Social and Governance. These consist of key area scores and these in turn consist of individual KPI scores.

The rating in the key areas gives you indications of potential for improvement. In addition, our “Key Driver Analysis” tool provides precise information on how you can improve your scores in the individual key areas. Now the ball is in your court and you can define measures.


You decide whether the result of the rating should be verified and a corresponding certificate issued.

Verification is generally not necessary if you, as the company completing the form, are also the sole recipient.

On the other hand, is the rating created for a certificate such as Swisstainable or is the recipient a government agency issuing an invitation to tender or a major customer who insists on verification? Verification may then be required. Our Preferred Verification Partner is SQS, to whom we would like to refer in this context. In principle, the verification regulations can be applied by any auditor accredited in one of the relevant areas. (Lead auditor for ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 or ISO 45001 or as GRI assessor).

The separation of consulting (by independent professionals), rating (by esg2go) and verification (by independent auditors) is a specific strength of esg2go.

What is the difference between footprint and handprint?

Description pending.

What role do partners such as UBS, Zurich and Raiffeisen play?

Most of our customers come to us because they have to provide evidence of their sustainability performance in a tender or because their major customers require them to do so. The good thing about esg2go is that you only need to enter your data once and can use it multiple times.

Of course, you are also free to use your sustainability certificate in investor communication, marketing or employer branding. Especially if your performance is above average, esg2go provides you with tangible proof of your statements.

For what can I use the rating and certification?

Most of our customers come to us because they have to provide evidence of their sustainability performance in a tender or because their major customers require them to do so. The good thing about esg2go is that you only need to enter your data once and can use it multiple times.

Of course, you are also free to use your sustainability certificate in investor communication, marketing or employer branding. Especially if your performance is above average, esg2go provides you with tangible proof of your statements.

Whether you also want to have the rating result verified (e.g. via our “Preferred Verification Partner” SQS ) depends primarily on whether this is required by your customers or, for example, in connection with a label such as Swisstainable.

Does esg2go offer discounts?

No, but our partners do – which ultimately amounts to the same thing. Here you can find out how you can obtain our sustainability certificates even more cheaply:

((List of links to discount offers via sponsors))

The prices are quoted per year. When can I cancel?

Our licenses are valid for exactly one recording year. You do not have to give notice and therefore do not have to observe a notice period.

If you need an additional rating year, simply purchase a new license via our order page. If you use the 20% renewal discount code “Renew20” when ordering, the new annual forms will be added to your existing account.

Our company has several branches. How can we get certified?

This is easily possible.

Do you have a central accounting department? Then you need one account only. You collect the figures for all branches and then enter them in our questionnaire.

If you have several branches, we recommend the following procedure:

  • You purchase one esg2go Light account per store.
  • For your holding you need an esg2go Light+ account
  • Then please contact us. We will help you with the rudimentary consolidation.

This assistance is usually free of charge. If not, we will discuss this with you in advance. We are currently working on partial automation for companies with several branches. The aim is to minimize the effort involved for all parties.

Are there also esg2go group ratings?

Would you like to have not only the individual companies in your group rated, but also a consolidated rating for the entire group? No problem! esg2go offers you two proven solutions:

1. group rating on the basis of key area scores. With a separate Light+ license, you receive a group evaluation based on the Key Area Scores weighted according to the number of employees.

2. For a more detailed analysis, you can request a group evaluation based on individual entries. The CCRS specialists create these in a separate esg2go Light+ account according to the individual offer. The costs vary depending on the scope. Experience with a group of 25 subsidiaries: Two days at CHF 1’500.

How does the CO2 calculator work?

Our CO2 calculator applies the GHG protocol. It was presented to and agreed with qualified experts in several recorded workshops for the purpose of validation/testing. It fully covers Scope 1 and 2. In Scope 3, we consider emissions within the company’s sphere of influence (waste and disposal, business travel, cloud services), whereby we do not include Scope 3 emissions from transportation expenses for reasons of practicality. Our CO2 calculator also meets the requirements of the Science based Targets Initiative SbTI for SMEs and includes calculations of the reduction pathway compatible with Switzerland’s climate targets.

What is the deadline for rating entries?

You or your stakeholders determine the date. There is no deadline set by us and technically the entries can be changed indefinitely.